
BloggingTips gets a redesign

My blogging advice blog got a new design yesterday :) Here’s a preview of the new design You can read the full announcement here : BloggingTips gets a redesign Evolution Wordpress Theme Released To coincide with the new design of BloggingTips I also released a dynamic wordpress theme for …


Peep Show just keeps getting better

I decided to have a quiet Friday night last night and didn’t go out. Instead, my friend came round and we spent most of the night playing Grand Theft Auto 4 on the PS3. As I predicted at the start of the week, it’s drained a lot of my time! …


The World Wide Web is 15 today

Although the internet has been around since the 70’s, it was on 30th April 1993 that Cern brought the world wide web to the public domain. I didn’t start using the internet regularly til my first year at uni in 1996. When we first started we were all fascinated by …


Windows XP SP3 delayed for a few days

Microsoft released XP Service Pack 3 yesterday but it was quickly pulled back and delayed. It seems like you can download XP SP3 from the Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview page. Apparently it was delayed because of a glitch in the way it works with MS Retail Management Systems …


Think I’m going to get the HP 2133 Mininote

4 days ago I asked what laptop I should get for travelling. When I wrote the post I had a few laptops in mind however my mind is now pretty much set on the HP 2133 Mini Note. The basic model has a 1.2Ghz Via C7 processor, 120 GB 5400 …


Joel Comm says sorry for stealing your money

UPDATE: 6th April 2018 It is 10 years since this article was published. I recently spoke to Joel Comm about this issue. Joel explained that the president of his company (at the time) suggested what people were calling a “forced continuity” payment model and Joel agreed to it. He noted …


An Update on My Ecommerce Site

Ryan from Love Inventions left a comment a few days ago asking how my online shop is coming along. I haven’t spoke about it in a while and Ryan’s comment reminded me that I haven’t updated all you guys. E-Commerce is Flaming Nuts Myself and my friend Eddie started working …


What laptop should I get for travelling?

I noticed that I hadn’t posted in close to a week so I thought I would clarify my posting frequency just incase someone thought I had decided to stop posting here. I just want to remind new readers and subscribers that posts on this blog may be irregular. I squeeze …


Should my next project be a blog?

I posted last month that after selling my poker discussion forums I wasn’t sure what to call myself as the websites which I have left are nearly all blogs (apart from a few forums and article sites which still make me a little cash every month). At the moment my …