
Twit vs Twat

A week ago , popular blogger and online market Jim Kukral launching a marketing experiment called TwitterMeThis. Basically, TwitterMeThis is an experiment by Jim to see how the Twitter media can be used. He has asked people to follow the TwitterMeThis account at Twitter and periodically he asks his followers …


Would you buy a Twitter Account?

TechCrunch today announced that Rocketboom founder Andrew Baron is selling his Twitter account on ebay. As expected, a debate has been sparked around whether this is even allowed and more importantly, what effect will this have on Twitter. Currently the account has reached $510 on ebay and with 9 days …


Looking to hire bloggers in various positions

I’m looking to hire some writers for a few blogs that I run. Details of the positions can be found below. Please leave a comment to this post or contact me via email if you have any questions. BloggingTips is a blogging advice blog which currently has around 2,000 …


I’ve resisted long enough, I’m now on Twitter!

I have read about Twitter numerous times in the last year however I constantly resisted invitations to join Twitter. Although I could see the benefits of using it, I just didn’t want something else wasting my time (msn messenger and skype waste a few hours every week for me as …


My new email solution

The number of email addresses I have used over the years has changed many times, mostly depending on how many websites I had at the time. At the moment I have 12 emails I check – 1 personal email address for friends etc (hotmail) and 11 work related emails (eg. …


Is Meet the Spartans the worst film ever made?

I had the misfortune of watching Meet the Spartans the other day. Having enjoyed 300 (the film it spoofs) and the Scary Movies (from the same director) I thought it would at least be watchable. I was sorely wrong. Meet the Spartans has to be one of the worst films …


The hardest game you will ever play!

This is probably the longest, most enjoyable game you will ever have the pleasure to play. If you are unsure about how to beat the end guy please leave a message and i’ll do my best to help :) (though it’s worth checking the manual first!) Burn the Rope

Design, Design, Design

If you have read this blog before then you will quickly realise that I changed the blog’s theme last night. I liked the last theme but it was kinda basic and I wanted to present a more professional image for myself and the blog. The new BloggingTips design will be …


Pleased to see Mr Joe Average get his slice

Last week a 43 year old man from Maryland called Chris Clark sold for 2.6 million dollars. This was a unique story as Mr Clark was not a domain trader, he isn’t someone who has thousands of domains in his collection, he simply bought the domain in 1994 and …