
Should you stumble yourself?

A few days ago Susan Gunelius from Women On Business wrote a post on BloggingTips called ‘Paying for Diggs and Stumbles‘ The post talked about a new site called Subvert & Profit, a site where you can pay for diggs and stumbles, and spoke about whether this kind of thing …


I still live in Rip Off Britain!

When I was in New York the other week I bought the Western Digital 250GB Passport, a portable USB powered 2.5″ hard drive which is suitable for travel. I purchased the hard drive from the electrical shop at the bottom of Macys on 34st for $124.99. I got an email …


I don’t know what to call myself anymore!!

One of the things I have found about working through the web is my inability to correctly give myself a title ie. a name which explains what I do for a living. Lot’s of people online seem to be using the term ‘Entrepreneur’ but I really hate it, it’s kinda …


Goodbye Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hello Kentucky Grilled Chicken

I was watching the news tonight when it announced that KFC will be removing the ‘Fried’ part of their brand to replace it with ‘Grilled’ in order to promote a healthier image of their food. They will be trying out their new grilled chicken in in six cities — Indianapolis, …


How strange is this!!

At the end of June last year me and my friend Michael flew from Tokyo to Berlin to meet 9 of my friends who were over for a long weekend. For the first 3 days we stayed in East Berlin and the last 3 days we stayed with my friends …


Just returned from New York

I touched down in Glasgow this morning at 7am after a very enjoyable 6 days in New York. 9 of my mates booked up last year when I was still in New Zealand so whereas me and my friend George travelled direct from Glasgow, they had to all go via …


The Big Apple

It’s 7.30pm just now however I’m just about to head to my friends to stay as we are up at 4.30am to fly to New York. I will be away for a week so there probably won’t be many posts until I return (if any). I’ll try and post some …


More thoughts on the Eee PC

I posted my first impressions of the Eee PC last week. That post was written after just a few hours of getting the Eee so I thought it would be good to do a follow up of the laptop having now owned it for about 9 days. Having used it …


Hosting Recommendation : WiredTree

If you make money through the internet or just run a few hobby websites then no doubt you will have used quite a few hosting companies over the years. I’ve used about 10 different companies in the last 7 or 8 years and my usual thinking when staying with a …


Note to self, don’t work when your half asleep

The other night I decided to move my blog ElectricBandits from a domain extension to a .com. Although the blog is written from a UK point of view I think that long term the .com domain is better for branding and promotion. I have changed the domain of one …