62 Ways to Make Money Online

Some folks just want to get away from that monotonous office job, while others simply need a way to make a little extra scratch while looking after the kids. Whatever your reasoning, there are plenty of ways to make money online. We’ll outline over 60 ways to put more cash in your pocket without leaving your … Read more

Win 1 of 5 Full Theme Memberships to ThemeIsle

ThemeIsle is a premium WordPress store that sells professional themes and plugins. It is easily distinguished from the competition due to its pirate branding that it uses on all of its products. They don’t offer support, they offer Blackbeard Support!! They currently have 15 WordPress themes in their store. Each theme retails at $37. Their … Read more

Good Things Come to Those Who Podcast

Think about the last time you read a blog post. Were you driving to work? Washing dishes? Working out? Probably not. Or at least, I hope not, especially while driving! What if I asked you the same question about listening to a podcast? Podcasts rock when it comes to convenience. Own a smartphone or a … Read more

30 Professional Hosting Wordpress Themes

WordPress is a great platform for a web hosting website. Features such as custom post types means that it WordPress can be used for almost anything. In this article, I would like to share with you 30 of the best hosting WordPress themes that are available online. These designs are all available online for a … Read more

Watch Out for Fake Earnings Reports

In the internet marketing world, you can make a lot of money by showing other people that you make a lot of money. It is easy to understand why. Everyone wants to learn from the best. Which is why new internet marketers would rather learn from someone making $10,000 a month than someone who is … Read more

The 10 Free (and Awesome) Ways SumoMe Helps You Grow Your Blog


Wordpress blogs are a growing market and Wordpress plugins aren’t far behind. Google results paint the same picture, as “wordpress plugins” has 38 million results. But what people like you and me are most interested in is growing that blog – 50 million results for that type of search. Thankfully, the market is full of … Read more

4 Ways to Increase Twitter Engagement Using SocialBro

SocialBro: Logo

Yet another tool that promises to help increase Twitter engagement, SocialBro might just be the most feature-filled one yet. They call themselves the “#1 Marketing Platform for Twitter”. They might be right. However, looking as how I thought I’d need professional help to figure SocialBro out, I think their target market is skewed towards agencies … Read more