SEMrush Review: Learn From Your Competitors to Become a Success

SEMrush review

One of the best ways to become successful is to take a look at those who are already a success and emulate what they are doing.  This is particularly true when it comes to building a website or online business and promoting it online. Today we will look at a tool which helps you do … Read more

How to Actually Get People to Join your Email List

If you asked the top 100 internet marketers and online entrepreneurs what is the most important THING that you need to do right now, they would say without a doubt, “GROW YOUR EMAIL LIST” If you read IM blogs regularly, I’m sure you’ve heard this same advise mentioned countless times. You probably have also read the step-by-step instructions … Read more

Test Your Website Performance with DareBoost

Website benchmarking services are an essential tool for checking the speed of your website. I use them regularly, particularly after installing or removing a WordPress plugin. The service I normally use is GTmetrix, however last week I was emailed about a new benchmarking service entitled DareBoost. It looks like a great alternative to GTmetrix and … Read more

How to Write Social Media Content That REALLY Gets Noticed

I’m sure just about everyone these days is on some form of social media platform; Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Instagram…the list does go on and on. Rest assured that you’ll always find interesting content to read or watch on one of these sites. Even if the material takes you to a link on … Read more

18 Conference and Event WordPress Themes

In my theme list today, I would like to show you a collection of conference and event WordPress themes. These can be used to publish details of organised events and conferences. Most of these templates use custom post types to help you store information about your events. As always, be sure to check out a … Read more

Is it Still Worth Promoting Facebook Pages?

Facebook Advertising is something that still intrigues way. There is no other advertising platforms that allow you to target people in the way that Facebook does. This is because Facebook knows everything about its members. It knows their name. It knows their email address. It knows their age, their likes, their dislikes, their interests, their … Read more

50 Free Photoshop Logo Templates

A good custom logo design will set you back a few hundred dollars. Over the last few years I have purchased stock logo templates instead as they can be purchased from only $29. If you do not want to spend any money on a logo, you may want to consider downloading a free logo template. … Read more