Android Dominating the World

The mobile phone landscape has changed so much over the last four or five years. Without doubt, Android has been the biggest game changer. I do not think anyone could have predicted how popular Android would have got. I was one of the first of my friends to buy an Android phone. Namely, the HTC … Read more

Flippa Introduces Super Sellers

Flippa is far from being the perfect marketplace for website traders, however there is no doubt that they are the best website marketplace online. Their competitors struggle to acquire the traffic that they do; both with sellers and buyers. I have criticised Flippa in the past for their expensive upgrade options. One thing I do … Read more

August 2013 Income Report

It’s that time of the month where I take a quick look back at how this blog performed in the previous month (you can see a list of my previous income reports here). July was not a profitable month for me due to my move back to the UK from South America. August was a … Read more

3 WordPress Plugins That Scan Your Website For Malware

WordPress is a popular target for hackers and spammers, particularly websites that are using an older version of WordPress. You simply cannot afford to use WordPress for building a website and then forget about it. The default version of WordPress is too susceptible to hackers. Earlier this year I suffered two different attacks on small … Read more

The Importance of Google +1’s

Did you realise how important Google +1’s are? Don’t worry. Neither did I. I have spoken to many bloggers and marketers over the last year and the general consensus has been that Google +1’s can help your article. I did not, however, know just how much weight Google placed on them. Yesterday, Michael Scott from … Read more