57 Pinterest WordPress Themes

The success of Pinterest has encouraged many websites to place more emphasis on images within their designs. Even super blogs such as Mashable have adopted Pinterest style designs for their home page. WordPress is the perfect platform for imitating Pinterest due to features such as custom post types and featured images. Therefore, if you are … Read more

vBulletin 5 Connect is Released

vBulletin is one of the most popular discussion forum scripts in the world. I used the software for around 10 years however around two years I started using XenForo to build forums. The development of XenForo was held back since it was launched due to a lawsuit from Internet Brands, the parent company of vBulletin. … Read more

100 Things To Do Before You Die

The longer you live in this world, the more you realise how short life is. Every year gets shorter and the dreams that many people have never become a reality. That is why you need to be proactive in life. If there is something you want to do or somewhere you want to go, you … Read more

The World’s Most Beautiful Beaches

White sand, palm trees, sunshine and cocktails. That’s the image most people think of when they think about a relaxing holiday. They do not want to be walking on stone beaches with rubbish everywhere. Hotel chains around the world seek out beautiful beaches to develop their hotels because of this. It is understandable. For many … Read more

VaultPress Just Became Even More Amazing

I have been very vocal over the last few years about my love of VaultPress, the WordPress backup service by Automattic. There are many other great WordPress backup options out there such as CodeGuard and BackupBuddy. For me, VaultPress is an essential plugin. It backs up WordPress powered websites every hour and allows you to … Read more