The color scheme of your website can influence people’s view of you, your website, your brand, and your products and services. I only have a small grasp of color psychology, however I know it is important.
I also know how difficult it is to choose a color scheme during the design process. That is why color pickers are so useful. They allow colors to viewed on a wheel or chart. You can then retrieve the color code and use the colour on your website.
In this short article, I would like to share with you eight color pickers that will help choose colors. Or, as we would spell it in the UK, colours (though I have used the word color in this article as most color pickers use that spelling).
1. Hslpicker
2. Paletton
3. W3schools
4. ColorPicker
5. VisiBone
6. Do2Learn
7. Color Picker
8. Adobe Kuler
If you know of any other good color pickers, please share them below in the comment area.