Domain Name Registrars

Domain names can be registered through companies and organisations called “Domain Name Registrars”. When you register a domain name, the registrar pays the operator of the domain a set fee. For example, when you register a .COM domain name, the registrar needs to pay a fee to Verisign and a smaller administration fee to ICANN. … Read more

Web Hosting Deals

Have you been looking for a great hosting deal? Loon no further. This page lists discounts and offers from hosting companies that have partnered with to help save you money. Adroit SSD A shared hosting company based in Delaware, USA, that use solid state drives for storage. Their entry level shared hosting plans cost … Read more

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting allow an unlimited number of servers to act as one through the use of a virtual server. This provides benefits such as there being no single point of failure. It can also provide an increased reliability, scalability and cost efficiency. Cloud hosting can be most cost-effective since you only pay for the resources … Read more

VPS Hosting

When you outgrow your shared hosting plan, a VPS hosting plan is the next logical step. VPS, which stands for Virtual Private Server, is a dedicated server that has been divided into multiple partitions. Each partition is setup as as a VPS and sold to customers. For example, a dedicated server may be configured to … Read more

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting packages are perfect for small websites with low traffic levels. Plans typically start from just a few dollars per month. Additional savings can be made if you purchase plans on a yearly basis. Be aware that many shared hosting companies advertise an unlimited amount of storage and bandwidth. This is false advertising as … Read more

Create Professional WordPress Login Forms with ProfilePress

ProfilePress is a premium WordPress plugin that refers to itself as the “Ultimate WordPress Account Manager”. It can be used to create professional looking registration forms, login forms, password reset forms, and profile pages. The default registration form and login page for WordPress is functional but basic. One big problem with the default setup is … Read more

SafeCoin – A Fast & Efficient Cryptocurrency


SafeCoin is a fast Proof of Stake and cryptocurrency that launched in 2018. Built upon Solana’s architecture, the blockchain uses proof of history to verify transactions and records across its validator network. It’s an efficient cryptocurrency that can handle over 65,000 transactions per second and anyone who holds SafeCoin can generate a return on their … Read more