Video Conversion Software

In a perfect world, all cameras and all recording software would record videos in the same format. Sadly, that is not the case. When producing videos, you will have to work with dozens of video encoders and resolutions and your video editing software may not work with all of them. To ensure compatiblity with all … Read more

Basic Video Editing Software

Basic video editing software applications are a fantastic entry-point into the world of video production. These applications tend to be free to download or are sold at a reasonable price. They lack many features found in advanced video editing software applications, but this ensures a user-friendly video editing experience. This page details some of the … Read more

Video Recording & Live Streaming Software

I use many different video software applications and services to record videos on my PC and stream live to YouTube and other platforms such as Twitch. In this page, I have listed many of the applications I use to record videos. I use some of these applications all the time. Others I use when I … Read more

Screencast & Video Tutorial Software

Videos are a fantastic way of explaining difficult techniques and processes. One of the most popular form of recording video tutorials is called screencasting. A screencast is a video recording of your desktop. It usually includes audio narration and displays the author’s webcam. Screencast video tutorials are popular on video streaming services such as YouTube, … Read more

My YouTube Recording Equipment

YouTube Recording Equipment

Have you ever watched one of my tech videos and wondered “What is he using?”. Wonder no more! This page details all the video and audio recording equipment I use to record videos for my YouTube channels. Those of you who publish videos on a video platform such as YouTube, Twitch, Tik Tok or Instagram, … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to WordPress Menus

Navigation is a key component of every website; whether it be the front-end of back-end of your website. It is used by administrators, editors, authors, and website visitors. In this article, I would like to give you a brief introduction to how WordPress handles menus and share with you a collection of WordPress plugins that … Read more

Optimise Your WordPress Website with Nelio A/B Testing

How much time do you spend optimising your website? 2 hours per month? 30 minutes per month? Never? I will freely admit that I do not spend enough time tweaking certain elements of this blog. For example, most of my articles were named after one or two minutes of thought. I never took time to … Read more

Increase Email Sign Ups with Optin Lock

Those of you who are familiar with my blog will know that I display a sign up form underneath my blog posts for my newsletter. This form is powered by Optin Forms; a free WordPress plugin I reviewed earlier this year. The plugin was created by regular Rise Forums member Boris Beo (from CodeLeon). Boris’s … Read more

Manage Multiple WordPress Websites with CMS Commander

Maintaining multiple sites can take a lot of time. You have to go to each site individually and perform updates, often of the same themes and plugins. To save time and make running multiple sites easier you can use a service like CMS Commander. What is CMS Commander? CMS Commander is a dashboard that allows … Read more

62 Ways to Make Money Online

Some folks just want to get away from that monotonous office job, while others simply need a way to make a little extra scratch while looking after the kids. Whatever your reasoning, there are plenty of ways to make money online. We’ll outline over 60 ways to put more cash in your pocket without leaving your … Read more