How to Manage Twitter on the Move with UberSocial

Since the time our social media sidekick Scope was mysteriously taken off the Google Play store overnight, we have been reluctant to commit to yet another phone application that promises to streamline all our social media accounts minutes from download. But fret no more! As Celine Dion would say, “[Our] hearts will go on”. That … Read more

150 Free Wordpress Themes for 2014

I have been really impressed with the quality of free WordPress themes released this year. The standard has really improved over previous years. Earlier this year, I shared with you all 100 Great Free WordPress Themes for 2014. Today, I would like to share with you another collection of free WordPress themes from 2014. The … Read more

Create Stunning Websites in Minutes with Wix

There was a time when creating a website was the sole province of experts. Those in need of a site either contacted a professional designer or learned to write base code themselves. Those days are long gone and the once niche market is now reaching saturation point, with numerous companies vying for the attention of consumers … Read more

The Truth About OptimizePress

OptimizePress 2.0

There’s a few things I hate about OptimizePress, and a few things I love. I’ll get to that soon, but let me be transparent on the front end. While it’s the bread butter and sweet brown sugar for some of the best copywriters, digital marketers, and content curators in the game, it’s only one of the many software … Read more

A Review of TemplateMonster’s WordPress Cherry Framework

All good WordPress theme companies develop their own WordPress framework. This framework allows them to build a standard set of options and features into all of their themes. It also helps them develop themes more efficiently. I have used dozens of WordPress frameworks over the years. The latest one I have tested is called Cherry … Read more

How to Create Pages Effortlessly with Thrive Content Builder

What process do you follow when creating a brand new page for your website? Is it something along the lines of “add new page…type some stuff…insert a couple of images…publish”? Don’t worry. I feel your pain. The standard WordPress page editor leaves a lot to be desired. It lacks functionality, providing only the most basic … Read more