3 Tools to Create Stunning Graphics for Your Blog

Images – these days, you don’t want to publish a post without one. If you want people to share your content, then you need images (even if they don’t feature grumpy cats or grumpy babies). Research from Ipsos shows that images represent 43% of the content people share. And a Skyword study (quoted here) shows … Read more

Why I Use Scrivener for Blog Planning

Computer Calendar

Managing a blog is very tedious, detailed work. Different pieces of a blog need tracking consistently, which is why most bloggers use editorial calendars. This type of tracking mechanism makes blogging work more manageable. There are several types of calendars; software-based, cloud-based and plug-ins. Deciding what is/is not needed in an editorial calendar really depends … Read more

A Review of Simple Photo Gallery

Simple Photo Gallery is a WordPress gallery plugin from Tips and Tricks HQ. I have gotten to know Ruhul Amin well as I have written some articles for him in the past (such as How to Protect Your WordPress Website with All In One WP Security). Simple Photo Gallery is a gallery plugin that has … Read more

I’m Voting for an Independent Scotland

Today is the most important day in the history of Scotland. Today is the day that myself and others who live in Scotland vote whether we stay within the United Kingdom or choose to be independent. When the referendum was approaching, I had plans to write a long detailed article about why I was voting … Read more