[Free eBook] The Ultimate Blogging Resource List

The Ultimate Blogging Resource List is my brand new resources book that was released exclusively on Amazon yesterday. I had the idea for the book following the release of my last book, The Art of Freelance Blogging. One of the things that readers kept telling me was how helpful the resources section was. Therefore, I … Read more

A Preview of WordPress 3.6

11 days ago, Mark Jaquith announced the release of WordPress 3.6 Beta 1, the first beta release of the next version of WordPress. Being the curious ape that I am, I decided to take it for a spin to see what we can expect to see in the future. Mark noted the following new features … Read more

FeedBlitz – Everything You Need to Know About The Perfect Feedburner Alternative

FeedBlitz is an rss, email marketing, and social media solution, that has been adopted by thousands of bloggers over the last few years, particularly those who were unhappy with Feedburner. In my article last week, 15 Great FeedBurner Alternatives, I noted that I was looking for a good way to reliably track the number of … Read more

An Interview with Georgina Laidlaw

Today I have the pleasure of presenting to you an interview I conducted with Georgina Laidlaw recently. Georgina is well known within the blogging world for being the editor or ProBlogger. She has also blogged for some of the top blogs on the web such as CopyBlogger and SitePoint and released a fantastic book about … Read more

Create Columns in Your Posts & Pages with Column Shortcodes

I came across a fantastic little plugin recently for WordPress entitled Column Shortcodes. Developed by CodePress, the plugin allows you to easily organise your content into columns on your page. Content can be divided into halves, thirds, quarters, fifths or sixths. You can also use two-thirds, three-quarters, three fifths etc. Once the plugin is installed, … Read more

Does Anyone Proofread Your Blog Posts?

I’ve always proof read my own posts. For smaller posts I usually read over them once but for 2,000+ blog posts I sometimes look read through them 2 or 3 times as it’s easier for mistakes to slip through. Whilst reading the productivity eBook Blog Wise recently I noticed a comment from travel blogger Matt … Read more

The Ultimate Blogging Resource List

The Ultimate Blogging Resource List is a 25 chapter resource book that details hundreds and hundreds of tools and resources that will help bloggers build, maintain, and promote their blogs. Buy the Book The Ultimate Blogging Resource List is available in print and in eBook formats on Amazon. 88 Pages 25 Chapters Ebook: $2.99 Essential Tools … Read more

Webmaster Resources

Webmaster Resources

A carpenter is only as good as his tools. Internet marketers are no different as we heavily rely on services and products in order to make money on the web. That is why I have created this large list of useful resources for all of you. In this section, you will find links to several … Read more

The Best Feature of WordPress 3.5

WordPress Media Interface

The stable release of WordPress 3.5 was released yesterday. Known as “Elvin”, it was the second major WordPress release of 2012. I wrote an extensive review of WordPress 3.5 a few weeks ago after thoroughly testing the beta versions and release candidates. It has a lot of great new features. Although I’ve been using the … Read more