Insert Flickr Images Into Your Blog Easily With WP Inject

I spoke yesterday about the news that Getty Images are allowing bloggers to embed their high quality photos on their websites. Thomas Hoefter from CMS Commander posted a comment noting that the embed option is only available to non-commercial websites, which renders the feature pretty useless to most bloggers. Coincidentally, Thomas recently released a new … Read more

Text Editors

Text editors are essential for coding and website development. Every editor works differently, but you will find common features across text editing applications. This includes support for multiple programming languages, colour schemes to highlight code, search and replace, debugging tools and more. Free and premium text editors are available online for Windows, Mac, Linux and … Read more

Blog Editors

There are many benefits to using a blog editor to write and publish your content. Firstly, they allow you to save your content offline, which is useful to those who travel and those who have inconsistent internet connections. Secondly, many editors make the process of styling your content and uploading media much simpler, whilst others … Read more

Three Reasons to Use Elementor (And Three Reasons Not To)


For many years, this website used the popular WordPress theme Genesis by StudioPress. It remains one of my favourite WordPress frameworks, but in early 2020 I wanted to try something different and opted for the lightweight WordPress design GeneratePress. I can’t speak highly enough about GeneratePress. It’s one of the easiest WordPress themes to optimise … Read more

How to Organise, Manage & Schedule Content Effectively in WordPress

How to Organise, Manage & Schedule Content Effectively in WordPress

WordPress remains the most popular platform for building websites. There are great alternatives available online, but I truly believe that when it comes to creating content, nothing beats WordPress and its revolutionary post type system. The introduction of the block editor has also improved the experience of creating content with WordPress. I was initially hesitant … Read more

Elementor WordPress Themes


Page builders have become an integral component of the WordPress platform. The early versions of page builders were focused solely on helping WordPress users create beautiful content, however, modern page builders have taken responsibility of essential functionality once found in WordPress themes. The WordPress block editor is technically the most used page builder as it … Read more