WordPress Blogs

There are a lot of great WordPress blogs that focus on the WordPress platform. These blogs report on news, the latest WordPress themes and plugins, publish tutorials and code snippets, and much more.

This page lists some of the best WordPress blogs on the internet.



Launched by Charlie Livingston in 2013, aThemes is a respected WordPress theme store that sells premium WordPress themes. They also release many high quality free WordPress themes to the market such as Airi and Sydney.

aThemes also has one of the most active blogs in the WordPress community. They regularly share tips and tricks and publish tutorials, plugin and theme lists, news, and more.

Binary Moon

Binary Moon

The home of WordPress developer Ben Gillbanks. Ben publishes lots of great tutorials about WordPress and shares his experiences working with the platform.

Digging Into WordPress

Digging Into WordPress

Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr’s Digging Into WordPress is both a blog and a hugely successful book about WordPress. The blog publishes tutorials and news about WordPress.

Pippins Plugins

Pippins Plugins

Pippin Williamson is the highly successful developer of WordPress plugins such as AffiliateWP, Easy Digital Downloads, and Restrict Content Pro. Through his blog Pippin shares insights into his business and gives great tutorials on how to develop for WordPress.



A fantatic WordPress blog that is run by Brin Wilson. The blog regularly publishes tutorials, reviews, plugin lists, theme lists, insights, and more.

WinningWP also publish tutorials regularly on their YouTube channel.

WP Lift

WP Lift

A fantastic WordPress blog that regularly publishes reviews of WordPress plugins, themes, and services. It also publishes tutorials and news.

WP Mayor

WP Mayor

Founded by Jean Galea, a great WordPress blog that posts news, reviews, hacks, tutorials, and more.

Be sure to also check out Jean’s WordPress podcast Mastermind which he hosts with Ninja Forms developer James Laws.

WP Tavern

WP Tavern

Launched in 2009 by Jeff Chandler, WordPress Tavern is a WordPress news blog that was later purchased by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg. The blog has always been a source for discussions about the WordPress platform, whether it be in the comment area of posts or via the WPWeekly podcast.

WP Squared

WP Squared

Run by my friend Sam Sinton, WP Squared publishes tutorials, plugin reviews, theme reviews, and news. They also post top WordPress lists on a regular basis.

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